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Old 03-22-24, 10:22 AM  
cambet's Avatar
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Location: SC
Good Morning,

Yesterday I had about 5,900 steps when I left work, so last night I did Leslie's Walk to the Hits Radio Mix (it was on YouTube) and I tacked on one song from Pure Spice for a total of about 50 mins of movement. I did it while I was watching tv, and kind of had it on in the background, so I couldn't really hear Leslie, which was ideal. Made it to over 11,200 steps for the day.

SB - Great job on your outdoor walk! Cheers to both of us for walking/dancing/mowing even when we really don't feel like it! I guess we do end up being glad that we did it. You have been very consistent with your walks/workouts lately, so I'm glad you are seeing the benefits you are reaping. It's very motivating. You are so right about weight being tricky. I have a dr's appt next week and at the beginning of this month I was hoping to drop maybe 5 lbs by then. That's likely not going to happen, but I have been doing a decent job of not overeating too much lately, so that's good too.

Hi Van.
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Old 03-23-24, 08:47 AM  
summer breeze
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Good morning!


51 minute outdoor walk

I was very tired yesterday from being out the night before and I had some errands to run. Usually I would have passed on the walk but I've been on a roll so I went for it
I walked every day this week, 6 days.
Today is a total washout but I hope to do something indoors.

CAMBET, great job on your step totals.
Haha that's funny that not hearing Leslie was an ideal way to do her workout.
I understand completely

The small results we see are indeed very motivating and they keep us going.
I'm trying to be more mindful and not overeat too. I went a little overboard at my friend's party Thursday but we have to enjoy occasionally too. Then get right back on the wagon.


Have a great day!
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Old 03-24-24, 08:06 AM  
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Good Morning,

Yesterday I did all of Pure Spice (56 mins). I have to confess that I did NOTHING all day except lie around watching tv. I usually go to the store on Saturday mornings, but I couldn't even get myself up to do that. Some things at work and with some of my friends have shifted and it's been making me feel sad/off. So I kind of indulged my sadness and tiredness yesterday by doing nothing but relaxing on the sofa and watching tv for most of the day. I did go to the store yesterday evening, and by last night I had less than 5,000 steps, so I really had to make the choice to get in a workout to make it to 10,000 steps, because I was 5,000 steps short and really didn't feel like it (I started telling myself that it's not so bad to take a day off since I hadn't accomplished much up to that point ). Then I thought about this thread and wanting to be able to post that I did something, so I got up and did Pure Spice, which was a good choice since it's so much fun. I'm glad I did it. Made it to over 11,400 steps for the day.

SB - Great job with your outdoor walk! You have really been on a roll, so I'm glad you went for it! It's funny how we can talk ourselves in and out of things. I agree that we have to indulge ourselves sometimes, but getting back on the wagon afterwards is good too (I'm glad to have the reminder that if I overdo it, I still need to get back on track at some point, because otherwise I'd probably be out of control ). Hope you have a great day!

Hi Van.
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Old 03-24-24, 08:31 AM  
summer breeze
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Good morning!


100 kettlebell swings
Torso twists

It poured all day yesterday and I just felt like having a lazy day but I did manage some kettlebell swings and twists in the evening. I have a busy day today.
I need to run to the store and clean up the house for company later so I may not get much exercise done. We'll see.

CAMBET, I give you so much credit getting up after a much needed R & R day to do all of Pure Spice. Well done! I'm sorry you're going through some sad transitions but it seems you are handling it well. Rest is always acceptable though but it was nice you pushed yourself.

Back about 10 or so years ago when I lost a lot of weight I was so so strict. I would never indulge at all. But it ultimately wasn't sustainable. We need to let loose a little sometimes as long as we don't go completely off the rails. It's definitely a tough line to walk. It's true I'm not as thin as I was then but it's a more sustainable lifestyle and I still keep myself within the
so called "normal" weight guidelines.
I do need to be a bit more mindful/restrictive now though if I want to lose some weight before the wedding.


Have a great day!
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Old 03-26-24, 10:23 AM  
summer breeze
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Good morning!


54 minute outdoor walk

Hoping for another walk today. It's still somewhat chilly out but the sun is so warm and strong this time of year.

Waves to all.

Have a great day!
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Old 03-26-24, 01:02 PM  
cambet's Avatar
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Location: SC
Good Afternoon,

Sunday I did 43 mins of Leslie's Walk to the Hits Radio Mix (from YT and with her on mute). Made it to over 10,600 steps for the day.

Last night I did 43 mins of Pure Spice. Made it to over 10,200 steps for the day.

At my weigh-in on Sunday I found that I had lost a little over 3 lbs! I was so excited! So I did drop a little over 4 lbs this month, in time for my dr appt tomorrow. Yay. I'm actually looking forward to the appt, since it's been a while since I've had full check up, and I'm hoping she'll be able to advise me about my hand/wrist and maybe suggest a good hand specialist. I'm hopeful, anyway.

SB - Great job with your outdoor walk and also with the kb swings and torso twists. I imagine you were very careful with the twists, as not to tweak your back. I'm curious about them, so I may search around and see if I can find what you are talking about. Would love to try to flatten my tummy. Thanks for your kind, encouraging words. I haven't said much here about the things that are happening at work and with some of my friends, but I can tell it's having an impact on my mood and it's just a lot to process. Really, I think that the movement/exercise helps, even when I don't feel like doing it, because I tend to feel a positive sense of accomplishment afterwards. We've had a couple of chilly days in the 50s, but we're supposed to get to the 60s and 70s in the next few days and next week, so I'm looking forward to that. Hope you have a great day!
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Old 03-27-24, 10:34 AM  
summer breeze
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Good morning!


46 minute outdoor walk

Today is damp and gray and we have some rain coming in so probably no walk.
My friend is also visiting from out of state so I'll probably be busy with her.

CAMBET, great job getting those steps in.
And congrats on losing 4 lbs this month!
That's wonderful!! I knew that weight loss would show on the scale eventually.
LOL. I hope you get some answers from the dr too for your hand/wrist.

I did go slower on the torso twists and did only 20 this time instead of 180 or whatever ridiculous amount I did last time. The twists are hard for me to explain. You're
standing with your arms bent at the elbow out to the side and you raise your right knee and turn your left elbow towards it. There are similar variations.
I'm glad the movement has been helping you through a rough time. I always feel a little better after a good walk too.


Have a great day!
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Old 03-28-24, 01:52 PM  
Join Date: Mar 2014
Location: Snowman Land :)
Really not much to report here. I think I picked up a cold bug at the mall and started feeling sick the following Wednesday. I finally felt better yesterday and didn't take a nap and did 3 walks for the first time in almost a week. I ran errands to pick up stuff I was out of or almost out of and boy did that add up! Plus I had to pick up Cyric's heartworm and flea/tick preventatives. Ouch! It's hard to believe I paid double that for so many years with two dogs.

We got snow on Sunday, I think they said about 7", but then it turned to freezing rain and then to just heavy rain, so nearly all the snow is gone. Hubby did shovel once. Hmm..actually, that may have been on Friday, I think we got a couple inches then. The days seriously got all confused for me with both of us sick and him coming home early on Friday. We were supposed to play D&D on Sunday but rescheduled. It's supposed to be mostly highs in the 40s for the next week then they're saying 60s but we'll see.

I had just started a new rotation when I got sick so I'm just going to restart it on Monday. I'd like to run tmrw but we'll see. I'm still coughing some and don't really want to set off a fit. I for sure will jump rope so I don't lose my consecutive week streak! I've spent the last couple mornings trying to catch up on my logs, so I haven't been very active yet.

So excited today is baseball opening day! My Twins don't play till 3:10 so I've got a few things to get done before then. I will have to miss a little to walk Cyric and run an errand with hubby, but hopefully it won't take too long, and at least I can listen while I do those things. GO TWINS!!

Tue 3/19 43 minutes
43 minutes (from 3 dog walks 2.65 mi)
Pedometer: 9342 steps, 4.51 mi/Fitbit: 10901 steps, 5.15 mi

Wed 3/20 80 minutes
18 minutes (from Yoga with Joelle -Yoga for SI JOINT PAIN - 20 min Stretches for Sacroiliac Joint Pain Relief, YT)
11 minutes (from B. Bowman GuerrillaZen Fitness 10-min Knee Stability Routine for Bulletproof Knees, YT)
5 minutes (from C. Jordan -Help for Shin Splints Exercises, YT)
46 minutes (from 3 dog walks 2.75 mi)
Pedometer: 11720 steps, 5.65 mi/Fitbit: 11892 steps, 5.64 mi

Thu 3/21 21 minutes
21 minutes (from 2 dog walks 1.29 mi) came down with a cold, trying to get more rest
Pedometer: 6264 steps, 3.03 mi/Fitbit: 6832 steps, 3.26 mi

Fri 3/22 26 minutes
26 minutes (from 2 dog walks 1.62 mi) resting
Pedometer: 6366 steps, 3.04 mi/Fitbit: 6035 steps, 2.85 mi

Sat 3/23 20 minutes
20 minutes (from 2 dog walks 1.28 mi) resting
Pedometer: 5262 steps, 2.57 mi/Fitbit: 6569 steps, 3.14 mi

Sun 3/24 0 minutes
still resting with a cold
Pedometer: 2538 steps, 1.29 mi/Fitbit: 2609 steps, 1.23 mi

Mon 3/25 0 minutes
still resting with a cold
Pedometer: 3136 steps, 1.57 mi/Fitbit: 3591 steps, 1.7 mi

Tue 3/26 39 minutes
24 minutes (from S. Starr Happy Yoga S4E4 Blooming Sunset, TV) 1st time
5 minutes (from PT stretches)
10 minutes (from 1 dog walks .65 mi)
Pedometer: 4621 steps, 2.26 mi/Fitbit: 5197 steps, 2.37 mi

Wed 3/27 49 minutes
5 minutes (from PT stretches)
44 minutes (from 3 dog walks 2.79 mi) finally have some energy again!
Pedometer: 12600 steps, 6.1 mi/Fitbit: 12719 steps, 6.05 mi
"No matter how slow you go, you are still lapping everybody on the couch."
"God, please help me to be the person my dog thinks I am."
"You can't run from your problems. But you'll both feel a little lighter when you get back." ~New Balance shoe ad
You don't have to be fast, just keep moving forward.
Note to self: You don't get to complain about things you won't work to change!

Word for 2024: Accomplished; Word for 2023: Grounded; Word for 2022: Consistency; Word for 2021: Mindfulness
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Old 03-29-24, 08:56 AM  
summer breeze
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Good morning!


MR - All My Best Vol. 2 w/o#2

I enjoyed this workout. It rained all day yesterday but today looks sunny, though on the chilly side, so I hope I get to walk with my friend before she goes back home.

VAN, glad you're starting to feel better. Sounds like a miserable cold. My Mets got rained out yesterday so they're opening day is today. I may miss some of it too since I'm doing some things with my friend today and it's a 1:40 game.


Have a great day!
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Old 03-30-24, 10:16 AM  
summer breeze
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Good morning!


54 minute outdoor walk

My washing machine broke in the middle of a laundry cycle (of course) so I'm on the hunt for a new one. The repair guy said he could deliver a new Speed Queen on Monday for $1,300. When I stopped laughing, I told him I'll get back to him.
I'm sure I can find something a lot cheaper.

Have a great day ladies!!
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